Sunday, March 29, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-29


  • Fixed issue with viewing list of players with a given tank on clan home and clan tanks pages in some rare cases.
  • Added check to remove outdated or incorrect player tank ownership data when updating player's tanks.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-25


  • Fixed issue loading user data for players not in clans due to changes in WG API.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-23


  • Fixed clan data loading failing due to changes in WG API.
  • Fixed spelling error in footer.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-19


  • Fixed issue with Clan Lookup for clans with members whose accounts are locked. Locked accounts are now ignored (WG's API reports absolutely no useful data about them beyond clan specific information [rank, join date, etc...]) and a warning message is displayed indicating the number of locked accounts.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-14


  • Added check to prevent possible error when displaying list of player's who own a given tank on the Clan's tank list.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-12


  • Disabled Fame pages.
  • Improved CSP Report filtering capabilities.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-11


  • Fixed New Match page loading every single code you clan ever had into the code select box (it now arbitrarily limits it to the 10 most recent ones).
  • Added batching to reduce the number of records loaded at any given time for hourly background tasks.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Daylight Savings

Automatically generated codes for today have ended up having their times shifted by an hour. This was caused because an hour is "lost" in the jump forward, however when counting hours from midnight an hour wasn't "lost" from the total being counted, while one was lost due to daylight savings. I've switched from counting up from midnight to just subtracting the current time then counting up from there, which solves this problem though I don't think it's a foolproof solution for all time zone shifts (if Clan Tools ever goes beyond the NA server).

Additionally, I'm aware that yesterday the codes weren't automatically generated; I believe this is caused by a lack of resources at times which causes the scheduler to fail. I'm currently testing some methods to reduce memory usage on the server, but in the mean time I'll be checking that the codes are being automatically generated and manually triggering them to do so if they aren't.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-06


  • Added a comparison of the gold remaining in the treasury between the current payout and the reference payout (if set) on the Other Data tab to provide an idea of how the treasury's reserve is changing week to week. Note that this correctly accounts for any Deferred User Credit to give the true growth if all deferred user gold would be paid out.
  • Added option 'Apply Day Multiplier Rules to Additional Shares and Additional Gold' for Payouts under Day Settings tab to set if Day Multiplier Rules for the payout apply to the per-a-user, per-a-payout 'Additional Shares' and 'Additional Gold' fields. The default applied to existing Payouts is 'Yes', to match how the system always performed previously.
  • The reference payout (if set) is now shown under the Other Data tab.
  • Renamed 'Additional Static Gold' to 'Additional Gold'.


  • Gold values in the reserve report are now formatted with commas.
  • Multiplier rules for 1 day being displayed as 1 days.
  • Some date fields not having calendar display on click.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-03


  • Fixed CSP Violation on Player Lookup page related to WoTLabs sig expander.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Changelog for 2015-03-01 (2)


  • Fixed issue where going back would display JSON data in some cases due to browser cache.


I've switched from simply preventing any AJAX request from being cached (which is the root of the issue; browsers get confused because the HTML and JSON pages share the same URL and are selected via request headers) to adding an arbitrary param to all AJAX requests. The result should be the same in terms of fixing the actual issue, but this solution is cleaner as it is effectively just helping the browser so it doesn't get confused.

Changelog for 2014-03-01


  • Battle Reports' player list for replays sorting by player name now matches WoT website.
  • Fixed issue in client side error reporting code.